Stage 1
How can you control, reduce and eliminate your ‘invisible’ energy waste?
Because energy is invisible in use, it’s so easy to waste. However, *Eniscope makes your energy use visible, so it’s much easier to save. An Eniscope system starts with advanced metering to accurately capture your critical energy data – whether at building, department, circuit or equipment level. The data is collected in real time and delivered to you via a cool range of energy displays. Trust us, seeing your energy consumption as it happens inspires you to cut costs, reduce your carbon footprint and keep up good energy habits over time.
Stage 2
How can you be sure which strategies are working best?
Working out where you’ve wasted energy from a monthly bill is mind-boggling. Eniscope’s real-time data can stop energy waste in its tracks.
Eniscope’s real-time data shows you exactly where your energy is going, second by second (your bill can’t do that). Make a change and the results are immediately obvious. So that means you can test new strategies and new retrofit copy energy saving equipment and know immediately whether they’re having an impact. Businesses around the world are already monitoring individual bits, isolating energy leaks, exposing energy abusers and verifying their energy saving strategies in real time.
Stage 3
How can you calculate how much energy, money and carbon you are saving?
You get a virtual energy manager, available 24 hours a day, and all the info you need in an easy-to-understand format. Eniscope Analytics is a web-based, energy diagnostics tool that gives you rich insights into your historical energy consumption and the health of your power supply. It’s intelligent, flexible, easy to use, easily accessible
and simple to understand. Simply go online (using a PC, laptop, smartphone) to get detailed energy analysis on any equipment, in any building, in any country, at any time.
Stage 4
How can you encourage your corporate commitment to energy conservation?
Saving energy can be easier and even look good with beautifully-designed display units. An Eniscope system can power a range of cool, real-time energy displays. These displays can be strategically positioned around your building to create awareness among the occupants as to how energy is being used. And because the benefits can
be seen in real time, they inspire people to create better energy saving habits too. The displays can even include league tables, promoting healthy competition between staff members or even between sites in a multi-site estate.