Wind turbines are at the forefront of renewable energy technology, playing a crucial role in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and combating climate change. By installing a wind turbine, you can reduce your company’s carbon emissions and energy costs.
To produce a decent amount of power you need a good wind site. The best starting point is to access a wind speed database, this will advise you the average wind speed in metres/second (m/s) at various heights. Ideally anything above 5.5m/s at 10 metres, otherwise a wind turbine may not be a viable option for you.
You also need to choose which type of wind turbine best suits your business: free-standing or building mounted. Pole-mounted wind turbines are more suitable for exposed rural locations. A large pole-mounted turbine can reach over 75 metres in height and generate anywhere up to 100kW (kilowatts). Roof-mounted turbines are much smaller and can be installed on buildings in urban areas. They typically generate between 0.5 and 2.5kW.
And not just any wind will do. For a wind turbine to operate efficiently it needs air that moves uniformly in the same direction and is strong enough to provide sufficient energy to turn the turbine. In general, the higher the turbine is above the local environment, the stronger and more stable the wind will be.
A good indicator to see if this energy source will work for you, is by comparing how much power you potentially need to the wind speed in your area and how much power you can potentially produce. So, if you want lower energy costs and you want to be more attractive to buyers as they seek a greener supply chain, wind could be the energy source for you.